Protecting and Serving Victims

Providing steadfast victim advocacy for crime victims. Created specialty units focused on Cold Cases and Human Trafficking. The unanimous choice for District Attorney by law enforcement associations and crime victims’ advocacy organizations.

Treatment Instead of Jailing – Mental Illness & Addiction

Mental Health Court and Addiction Intervention CourtProviding treatment instead of incarceration, with proven results, for those committing crimes due to their serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder.


Building Public Trust and Confidence. Launched a first-of-its-kind interactive webpage, created with Measures for Justice, for the public to explore the data.

Engaging Diverse Stakeholders & Building Community Trust

Developed The DA’s Multi-Cultural Community Council: An advisory body of racially, religiously and culturally diverse residents. Also developed an annual Citizens Academy –an 8-week program to educate the public about our local criminal justice system.